13 Planned Film Trilogies That Need To Be Completed

2. Hellboy 3

The number one sequel fanboys want €“ but will likely never receive €“ is the last instalment of the Hellboy trilogy. Star Ron Perlman was recently fanning the flames for it, urging fans to petition for another entry, but Guillermo Del Toro himself has said the odds are slim to zero. Despite the first two movies being profitable they were never full on blockbusters, making the bulk of their profit on DVD. With that market dying out and Del Toro€™s prediction he€™d need a hefty budget to pull off his vision for it, no studios appear brave enough to foot the bill. It€™s a real shame, since the first two movies were a lot of fun, and let Del Toro exercise that huge imagination of his. The second movie left off on a cliffhanger note, with Hellboy quitting the BPRD and learning Liz is expecting twins. Apparently the third movie would have seen him learning to be a father to demon kids, but also being made to fulfil the prophecy that he would end the world. It promised to be the darkest of the series, but for now, it remains on the ever growing list of great projects Del Toro never got to make.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.