13 Predictions For Next Summer's Biggest Movies

2. Sharon Tate Survives In Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Sony Pictures

Prediction: Just as Quentin Tarantino had Hitler be brutally shot to pieces at the climax of Inglourious Bastards, he'll re-write history for his new crime drama centred around the Manson Family murders.

Rather than have Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie) be brutally butchered by Manson's followers as in real-life, Q.T. will have Tate turn the tables on her aggressors and survive the night.

For starters, it's a way to avoid the movie being accused of fully cashing-in on Tate's murder, while also surprising audiences expecting a predictable finale. Plus, isn't Margot Robbie basically the perfect actress to play a vengeful femme fatale version of Tate?

Why It Might Not Happen: Any way you look at it, the movie is still likely to be seen as tasteless by many (somewhat understandably), no matter if it alters events to keep Tate alive.

Plus, Tarantino may decide against recycling the same gimmick he pulled on Basterds, as despite his penchant for pastiche and homage - even against himself, perhaps - it could end up less-effective the second time around.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.