13 Silly Mistakes You Won't Believe Made It Into Star Trek Movies

3. Spock's Ears

star trek closer

In J.J. Abrams' reboot of Star Trek in 2009, the film delivers an almost universally excellent cast. Chris Pine evokes the derring-do of William Shatner while still making the role his own and Zachary Quinto slips into the Vulcan bowl cut better than anyone expected him to. There is little doubt that this actor was destined for the role from the first moment he walked through the studio doors.

However, when casting the child actor to play Spock, Jacob Kogan took on the role. He is quite impressive as the calm-until-he's-pushed young Spock, doing an eerily good impression of Quinto. There is a very simple issue though that differentiates the two and that is their ears.

Quinto's earlobes are attached while Kogan's aren't.

This is a trait that is genetic and therefore it is highly unlike that Spock decided to have his ears changed as he grew. Even if it were possible, it seems too much of a stretch for the half-Vulcan to give in to vanity. This seems to simply be a case of the filmmakers either not noticing, which is unlikely, or not caring - far more likely.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick