13 Things You Learn Rewatching The Dark Knight

5. Gordon Faking His Death Is Less Lame Than It Used To Be

The Dark Knight Gordon
Warner Bros.

Back in 2008, the subplot where Jim Gordon fakes his own death at the hands of The Joker only to make a "surprise" return 20 minutes later and arrest him was torn apart by fans, because the trailers effectively spoiled it.

Indeed, the movie's marketing focused extensively on Gordon being featured in the prison scene with The Joker, so when Gordon died randomly mid-way through the movie, the surprise return fell totally flat, making the whole deception feel rather pointless and overdone.

A decade on, though, it's a little easier to accept it on its own terms. The frustration over that spoilerific marketing has faded away, and while Gordon's "death" is still pretty pointless, it's much easier to swallow down.

To Nolan's credit, he doesn't linger on Jim's demise too much - there's no funeral scene, for one - and Gordon's return does at least bring the Batman-Joker stand-off to a snappy conclusion.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.