13 Worst Performances In Otherwise Awesome Blockbusters

7. Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Ford Brody) - Godzilla

Storm Halle Berry
Warner Bros.

The Movie: Gareth Edwards delivers the big-budget apology for 1998's horrendous Godzilla movie fans have deserved ever since, daring to take the slow-burn approach before reimagining the titular beast as an unexpected anti-hero.

The Performance: Johnson makes for a soporifically bland blockbuster protagonist here, surely one of the worst and most forgettable of the last decade.

It doesn't help that he's wildly outclassed by Bryan Cranston (who plays his screen father and gets unceremoniously offed at the end of act one), but even on his own terms Taylor-Johnson never allows his explosives expert "hero" to graduate beyond listlessly robotic.

Even with a family to fight for he's still the most tedious part of the movie, and had pretty much everyone wishing he'd been written out instead of Cranston.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.