14 Awesome Directors Who Need A Superhero Movie

2. Luc Besson

The Family Luc Besson Tommy Lee Jones Robert De Niro

Luc Besson is an undeniably visionary filmmaker who rose to prominence in the 1990s with the likes of Nikita, Leon and The Fifth Element.

His filmography may be a little inconsistent, especially lately, but even his more divisive recent movies such as Lucy and Valerian demonstrate his eye for sharp visuals and knack for strong female characters.

Though Besson almost always writes the movies he directs, one suspects he might be willing to bend on that if the right offer came along.

How Likely Is It?: Valerian bombing at the box office is definitely going to hurt his prospects, but he still directed the hell out of it and would clearly be fine when working with more easily-marketable material.

However, the fact that he recently openly slammed superhero movies, claiming "I can’t relate to superheroes", pretty much kills any chance of him getting to make one. Shame. 1/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.