14 Awesome Performances In Otherwise Awful 2015 Movies

12. Elijah Wood - The Last Witch Hunter

The Movie: Vin Diesel's latest non-Fast and Furious vehicle is another dismal failure, a borderline-nonsensical action blockbuster with neither enough action nor an interesting enough plot to justify the countless other superior movies it gleefully rips off. Diesel looks scarcely awake half the time, Michael Caine's barely in it despite being advertised prominently, it takes itself far too seriously, and simply, you won't remember much of it mere nanoseconds after the credits roll. Terrible. The Performance: Like Jackman in Pan, Wood seems to be the only guy in on the joke that the film is a comedy of errors rather than the agonisingly self-serious action flick everyone else seems to think they're making. He's well-cast as the comic relief sidekick opposite Diesel's witch hunter, and a good deal more interesting than the Fast and Furious star's gruff, wooden protagonist, bringing pretty much the only verve and enthusiasm to any character in the entire movie. His character also takes a fairly interesting turn later on, and though Wood doesn't have much to work with script-wise, he tries to make the best of it. For the standards of the film around him, he's practically a miracle worker here.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.