14 Awesome Performances In Otherwise Awful 2015 Movies

13. Hugh Jackman - Pan

The Movie: Joe Wright's CGI-addled Peter Pan reboot is the dictionary definition of style over substance filmmaking, a visually busy but rarely exciting adventure flick that lacks the heart and charm necessary to make all of its moving parts work. The majority of the cast are squandered on a dull script, it's far too long, and the decision to include songs from The Ramones and Nirvana in the musical line-up is just really, really weird. The Performance: Hugh Jackman completely hurls himself into his role as Blackbeard, kitted out in outrageously campy make-up and hamming it up for the cheap seats like his life depends on it. He brings some much needed energy to a movie that's otherwise almost completely devoid of it, and unlike much of the rest of the cast, he's clearly not taking the whole mess too seriously. One suspects he knows the film probably isn't very good. Sadly, though, he's not in the movie enough to make it compulsively watchable as an entertaining car crash.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.