14 Awesome Recent Movies That Actually Deserve Sequels

4. Inside Out

Inside Out Joy Sadness

Though Pixar's output is decidedly less consistent these days, Inside Out is without question one of their very best movies, a staggeringly imaginative, hilarious and heartfelt adventure with a terrific message for kids and adults alike.

The film's world is so rich and well thought-out that it pretty much begs for a sequel, especially with the virtually unlimited potential to follow another group of emotions inside another human's mind.

How Likely Is It?: Inside Out made over $850 million worldwide, which definitely makes it a ripe candidate, though Pixar has stated that they don't currently have any plans for a sequel due to committing their resources to other original projects.

Still, Pixar has a habit of making sequels many years after the fact, so it's entirely possible Inside Out 2 could show up in another decade-or-so. 5/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.