14 Awesome Recent Movies That Actually Deserve Sequels

12. Atomic Blonde

Atomic Blonde Charlize Theron
Focus Features

Though it was glibly referred to as "Jane Wick" by many, Atomic Blonde was a terrific period spy action flick propelled forward by David Leitch's kinetic direction and Charlize Theron's charismatic, bada** performance.

Much like John Wick, this is a movie with franchise potential written all over it, and what actress is more deserving of her own action movie series than Theron?

How Likely Is It?: The first film grossed just north of three-fold its $30 million budget, a solid number albeit certainly not a smash hit figure.

Consider that it made slightly more than John Wick on almost exactly the same budget, though, and it seems much more likely that Focus Features will greenlight a sequel to see whether there's big time series potential here.

For her part, Theron is totally up for it, so there's a solid chance this happens in the next two or three years. 7/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.