14 Awesome Recent Movies That Actually Deserve Sequels

11. Zootopia

Zootopia Sloth

Zootopia instantly cemented itself as one of Disney's best-ever movies, a staggeringly hilarious animation that dared to take its potentially generic premise to fresh new heights with a pervasive social commentary about racism and prejudice in all its forms.

At once operating as a cute animated romp and a more nuanced film with a great message for kids, it's little surprise it ended up grossing over $1 billion worldwide, which of course instantly sparked discussion of a follow-up.

Considering the buddy cop-esque nature of the original, it would be incredibly easy to franchise this out.

How Likely Is It?: Very few movies make a billion dollars and just go way quietly, so the word that Zootopia 2 is being worked on in some capacity isn't terribly surprising.

However, there's been little concrete word on the follow-up, so it happening certainly isn't guaranteed, even if Disney would be daft not to get it made within the next five years. It's happening. 8/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.