14 Awesome Recent Movies That Actually Deserve Sequels

10. Edge Of Tomorrow

Edge Of Tomorrow Tom Cruise Emily Blunt
Warner Bros.

Edge of Tomorrow took the Groundhog Day template and ingeniously wrapped it around a military action movie formula, bolstered by Doug Liman's marvelous direction, killer performances from Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, and some of the snappiest editing you'll ever see in any Hollywood movie.

It's a concept so delicious and well-executed that it immediately had fans asking for a follow-up, to expand the world-building and give them more of the terrific chemistry between Cruise and Blunt.

How Likely Is It?: Even though the first film was a box office disappointment, practically everyone involved with it insists that a second film is on the way, called Live Die Repeat and Repeat.

Liman has made many lofty claims about the planned sequel one-upping the original, but given its middling box office, it's hard to be optimistic he'll be able to actually get it made.

Apparently it's all down to scheduling right now, but this one's firmly in the "maybe" camp. Don't be surprised if it's just continually delayed. 5/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.