14 Awesome Star Wars Deleted Scenes

13. Lobot€™'s Capture


Which Episode? The Empire Strikes Back

Where would it be in film? During the Cloud City escape, just before R2 fries himself at the power terminal.

What happens? Lobot, Lando's cyborg assistant, is one of those characters who despite not saying a word and having a scant few minutes of screen-time sticks in your mind. Probably because of his snazzy headgear. The last we see of him in the film proper is freeing Leia and Chewie, but a deleted scene shows him captured by a pair of Stormtroopers, implying the character's death. This was ultimately overwritten in the Expanded Universe, with the character escaping an Imperial-controlled Cloud City to play a part in later adventures.

Should it have been cut? The real reason George Lucas left it out was in case he chose to use the character in Return Of The Jedi. Evidently not enough Lobot action figures sold and he's nowhere to be seen. With that in mind there's nothing wrong with the scene popping up to give a greater sense of the impact of the Empire's taking of Bespin.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.