14 Castings For New Movies That Prove Hollywood Has Gone Insane

10. Rihanna - Nine Ball (Ocean's 8)

Rihanna Oceans 8
Warner Bros.

Having been interesting in Battleship and Valerian, RIhanna hasn't yet been put off acting and will turn up in Ocean's 8 this year, playing "bad-ass hacker" Nine Ball.

The character sounds fine (and she can't be any worse than Don Cheadle's Basher), but Rihanna is not as good an actor as she is a singer. In fact, anyone who saw her in Battleship in particular would suggest she should probably stick to the latter, especially when the rest of the Ocean's cast looks so good.

Will It Work?

She's so far proved that she can't really act, so let's hope she's picked up some tips from the rest of the talented cast. Because otherwise, she's going to be an almighty weak link.


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