14 Castings For New Movies That Prove Hollywood Has Gone Insane

9. Arnold Schwarzenegger - The Terminator AGAIN

Arnold Schwarzenegger Originally Read For The Part Of The Good Guy In The Terminator
TriStar Pictures

The Terminator franchise is the little series that could, which has now survived three increasingly poor sequels, but which is still hurtling onwards with a new chapter already lined up.

The right approach to a new movie would be setting a new story in the universe and avoiding using the same characters again, since Genisys partly struggled for those very reasons. But instead of a new story, we're once more getting Arnie as the Terminator, which is the definition of trying to achieve different results using the same methods. Insanity, some would call it.

Will It Work?

Hopefully, he'll have better material to work with than he did in Genisys, but it's hard not to think that Arnie's time as the Terminator might be best left in the past.

Then again, how on Earth would you recast a role so inherently tied to the actor?


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