14 Cinematic Universes Everyone Wants To See

6. Jump Street Cinematic Universe

The Universe: After a successful reboot and shockingly hilarious sequel, the Jump Street series keeps itself fresh by going totally off the rails and satirising movie universes. How does it do this? By creating its own, of course. Why It'd Be Awesome: Because it's pretty much built into the fabric of these movies that they mock Hollywood's insatiable desire for more, more, more, given that the first sent-up reboots and remakes, the second lampooned sequels, and with shared universes being the next big thing, it's also the next big thing to make fun of. How Likely Is It?: 8/10. The Sony Pictures leak last year revealed that Sony are actually considering a crossover between Jump Street and Men in Black, which regardless of whether Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones were interested in returning, would have hilarious implications for the Jump Street series. For starters, any vague sense of grounding the franchise had would be completely obliterated, but in the most awesomely over-the-top way possible. It'd also potentially allow the MiB franchise to have a fresh perspective, either with two younger actors taking over the J and K roles, or Schmidt and Jenko becoming the new MiBs at the end of the crossover movie. There's also been talks of a female-led Jump Street spin-off, and though all of this is strictly conjecture at this very early planning stage, this is one demented fantasy that looks like it just might happen.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.