14 Cinematic Universes Everyone Wants To See

5. Ridley Scott Sci-Fi Cinematic Universe

The Universe: Riley Scott has been responsible for at least two of the most iconic sci-fi movies ever made, in Alien and Blade Runner, and wouldn't it be cool to see them joined together in either Neil Blomkamp's new Alien movie or Dennis Villeneuve's Blade Runner project? Why It'd Be Awesome: Fans have theorised for years that the Alien and Blade Runner worlds are somewhat connected, and though nobody's asking for something as gimmicky as an Aliens vs. Replicants movie, it'd be cool to see one of Scott's projects acknowledge a shared world in which the two creatures co-exist. How Likely Is It?: 3/10. If the new Blade Runner is set a little further in the future (which given the three-plus decades that have passed since the first film seems pretty likely), it could certainly nod to the creation of the Xenomorphs that took place in Prometheus. It just doesn't seem very likely that Scott, not to mention the powers that be, would necessarily want to commit to tying the two properties together, beyond the Easter egg linked above, for fear of opening up a can of worms they can't close again.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.