14 Cringe-Worthy Movie Scenes You Never Want To See Again

7. The Face Drag - Brawl In Cell Block 99

Brawl In Cell Block 99
RLJE Films

The second film from Bone Tomahawk director S. Craig Zahler makes a game attempt to one-up his debut film's infamously grotesque T-bone scene by having Vince Vaughn perform an execution that stands as one of the most vomit-inducingly brutal deaths in recent cinema history.

Near the end of the film, incarcerated felon Bradley (Vaughn) finds himself facing off against a powerful boss and his henchmen, leading to a vile sequence in which he overpowers the first man and stomps his head against a concrete floor.

He then tells the other men, "Do what I say or I'll kill him", and when they ignore his request, Bradley uses his foot to drag the poor sap's head across the floor, ripping all the skin off his face, before ending his life with a final stomp to the head.

Words really can't do justice to how disgusting the scene is, aided by some fantastic effects work and horrendously realistic scraping sounds as the man's face is dragged along the floor.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.