14 Memorable Moments From This Year's Oscars

2. The Oscars: As Presented By Twitter

Oscars Selfie Yes, we get it: Twitter is a big thing in the entertainment world now, but when Twitter eventually dies one day, all of these ridiculous asides are going to look pretty stupid. No doubt in an attempt to make the Oscars seem more "hip" and current, Ellen made countless references to Twitter throughout the show, including Tweeting on stage, and most famously taking a selfie with stars such as Bradley Cooper, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Kevin Spacey, and most strangely, Lupita Nyongo's brother, who probably had the best day of his life photobombing this picture. The move paid off, though, as the picture being feverishly re-Tweeted not only broke the re-Tweet record set by President Obama, but actually caused the website to crash briefly. Is it a cool picture? Sure. Are the Twitter references in pop culture generally getting a bit tiresome? Yes: I'm looking at you in particular, WWE.
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Oscars 2014
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.