14 Movie Posters And DVD Covers That Blatantly Lied To You

3. Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four WTF Poster
20th Century Fox

There is virtually no action whatsoever in Fantastic Four. The only thing approaching that is the final ten minutes, when the gang enters another dimension which is mostly empty except for a bunch of stones and green goo. That’s hard to make look exciting on a poster, so instead, Fox just completely invented a new conflict to sell the movie on.

In every single theatrical poster for Fantastic Four, the team is depicted standing with the wreckage of a city behind them. In a few, there appears to be meteors or similar objects falling onto Earth and destroying buildings, and so you assume there will be some exciting, Avengers-esque final battle at the end.

Nope, instead you can enjoy the thrilling scene of Dr. Doom throwing dirt on everyone. Technically the film does take place in New York City, but they’re indoors the entire time, and rarely is there any action that even takes place on Earth except for when The Thing throws a tank around.

Given all the apparent studio meddling and script issues, it’s possible there did once exist a city battle sequence that was removed at the last minute, but now, all of the marketing does an incredibly poor job at representing the real movie.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.