14 Movies You Didn't Realise Stupidly Broke Their Own Rules

5. You Don't Talk About Fight Club

edward norton fight club
20th Century Fox

The Rule

Do you really need it spelled out? Do NOT talk about fight club.

But Wait...

Someone has clearly been talking about Fight Club, given that people keep turning up to join the gang, unless Tyler Durden's other unspoken skill is that he is capable of monstrously impressive feats in Public Relations in which he can advertise something to his target demographic without ever actually mentioning it, or indeed talking about it (as in around the subject, if we're going after the semantics of the rule).

Despite the fact that the rule is so important as to warrant double mention, nobody ever appears to be punished for mentioning it, which is exactly the kind of lackadaisical commitment to order that you might expect from somebody with severely psychotic episodes manifesting themselves as a well-endowed Brad Pitt fairy.

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Iron Man
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