14 Movies You Didn't Realise Stupidly Broke Their Own Rules

7.Only The Penitent Man Shall Pass -Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade

Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures

The Rule

To make it through the find the Holy Grail, Indy must traverse a cobwebby tunnel that states that nobody but the most penitent man shall pass. This of course means that the only way to pass is to prostrate yourself on the floor, to avoid all the nasty traps that will chop and smush you into bloody dust.

The idea is that only a worthy man will get through, and the "answer" to the riddle is to lie on the floor, where all safety will be guaranteed.

But Wait...

The truth is that you actually first have to prostrate yourself on the floor, to dodge the first circular saw, and then do a somersault to dodge the second that COMES OUT OF THE FLOOR. How the Hell did Indy, who clearly solves the riddle in the conventional manner, know to do a forward roll immediately? Who does that in Church?

Had Indy paid attention to his own riddle solving, he would have been cut in half, and would not have been half as smug.

Incidentally, how on Earth did the two Nazis that Indy steps over in the entrance to the tunnel die? They are not in a perilous position (since Indy advances beyond them by about six feet without meeting their grizzly fate) and they clearly haven't been chopped in half and stumbled backwards.

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