14 Predictions For Next Summer's Biggest Movies

2. Barbie Gets Delayed... Again

Anne hathaway Love And Other Drugs
20th Century Fox

The Prediction: The long-planned live-action Barbie movie was originally supposed to hit cinemas this past May with Amy Schumer as its star. However, since then the project has been delayed twice to June 29 of next year, with Anne Hathaway currently set to replace Schumer, who dropped out for scheduling reasons.

However, with no director officially hired and shooting yet to begin, 10-ish months isn't much time to get a major movie filmed, edited and marketed for release, so it's safe to say this one's going to inevitably end up pushed to 2018's holiday season at best.

Why It Might Not Happen: At least a Barbie movie probably doesn't need much in the way of visual effects, and director Alethea Jones has been circling the project for a little while, so a deal could be done any day now.

And yes, films have certainly been shot and released quicker than this to decent success: Matthew Vaughn started shooting X-Men: First Class just 9 months before release, but you totally shouldn't bank on this one following suit.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.