14 Stupid Blunders That Ruined Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

5. The Last Jedi Retcons

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

Rey's parents weren't the only thing that was retconned. This movie may as well be called Star Wars: F**k You, Rian Johnson.

The Last Jedi isn't very good, but The Rise of Skywalker is so blatantly disrespectful of Rian Johnson's film that J.J. Abrams may as well have made a movie of Rey and Kylo Ren beating the crap out of Johnson for two hours to appease the haters of that film.

When Rey tries to throw her lightsaber into a fire, force ghost Luke catches it and makes a statement about how the Jedi weapon deserves more respect, a not-so-subtle jab at the scene where Luke throws his lightsaber over his shoulder after Rey hands it to him.

Remember how Luke submerged his ship in the island's waters so that he could never leave the island? Turns out he could all along, as he lifts it out of the waters and it's perfectly operational.

Also, why does Luke have Leia's lightsaber hidden on the island? He didn't have his own lightsaber there. Wasn't the whole point of going to that island to die after he failed Ben Solo, without any Jedi weapons, so that the Jedi would die with him?

The Rise of Skywalker does a 180 on Luke's persona in The Last Jedi. That will undoubtedly please many fans, but a movie that spends so much time apologizing for a previous film instead of continuing forward and telling its own story is not something to be celebrated.


Aaron Kirby hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.