14 Stupid Blunders That Ruined Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

6. The Death Fake Outs

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

This movie is full of death. Fake deaths, that is. Someone dies, except they actually don't. This happens a lot in this movie.

Okay, so there are some permanent deaths, including Hux, Leia, Palpatine (unless they retcon it again), and Kylo Ren, and we'll talk about a couple of those soon enough, but the multiple fake-outs in this are excruciating.

Early in the film, Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo) is captured and put on a ship, which Rey accidentally blows up when lightning suddenly comes out of her hand (get it, because she's a Palpatine?). Except it wasn't the ship that Chewbacca was on, as mere moments later he's revealed to be a prisoner on a Starkiller ship.

C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) sort of dies when he has his memory wiped to access a Sith translator in his system, but R2-D2 later restores his memories.

Kylo Ren has a couple of death fake outs. When he's fighting Rey on the Death Star wreckage, he hears his mother in the force, distracting him, and Rey stabs him with his own lightsaber (which also kills Leia somehow). But Rey uses the force to heal his wound (don't ask). Later, in the climactic battle against Palpatine, Palpatine strikes him with lightning and throws him down a cliff, but he survives.

The most insulting fake out death is Rey. She fights off Palpatine's lightning with her lightsaber, and both of them die in the process. It even blatantly rips off Thanos' and Tony Stark's demises in Avengers: Endgame, straight down to the "I am..." exchange.

Kylo Ren revives her moments later, though, and then he dies. For real this time. Umm... what?


Aaron Kirby hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.