14 Stupid Blunders That Ruined Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

4. The Awful Climax

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

What the hell was this?

The final battles in Star Wars movies are usually exhilarating. Some are undoubtedly better than others, but overall there is some entertainment value to be had, even in the worst ones.

Not in The Rise of Skywalker.

This film's climax is a mess. It's badly edited and directed. There is nothing exciting about the space battle here, even when all the allies show up at the last minute to help the resistance.

But everything with Palpatine is the real lowlight of it all. Literally, you can barely see anything.

Palpatine tries to turn Rey to the dark side by having her kill him (sound like Return of the Jedi, anyone?) but she and Kylo Ren refuse. Speaking of Ren, he shows up and fights and kills all his knights who are there for some reason. Remember the Knights of Ren? Doesn't matter, they join Snoke and Captain Phasma in being wasted in this trilogy.

Anyway, Palpatine then sucks out the life force or something from Rey and Kylo Ren, reviving himself into the all-powerful lord he once was (which sounds awesome, but it really isn't), and seemingly kills the two.

But of course, after hearing the voices of Jedi masters in the force, Rey gets up and defeats Palpatine, and his death is rather laughable. And Rey "dies" too, but we already covered this in detail a couple entries ago.

This climax had the potential to be awesome, but it's poorly executed, and will only leave distaste in viewers' mouths.


Aaron Kirby hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.