14 Stupid Blunders That Ruined Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

12. Lando Is Pointless

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

As exciting as the prospect of seeing Billy Dee Williams return as Lando Calrissian was, ultimately his inclusion was nothing more than pointless fan service.

He shows up out of nowhere on the planet Pasaana, after getting a transmission from Leia, to help Rey and co. before he disappears.

He shows up out of nowhere again at the Resistance base and talks to Poe, and then later deus ex machina's his way into the final battle with a whole fleet to help the Resistance defeat the final order.

Lando didn't have any reason to really be in this film. One can't help but feel he was only here because he was the last of the original trilogy cast members yet to appear in the sequels, and Luke, Han, and eventually Leia were all gone by this point (and even they all appear in this film in some capacity).


Aaron Kirby hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.