14 Terrible Recent Movies Destined To Become Cult Classics

2. The Book Of Henry

The Book Of Henry Jacob Tremblay
Focus Features

Why It's Terrible: Jurassic World's Colin Trevorrow has left everyone worried about the fate of Star Wars Episode IX after unfurling this outrageously tone-deaf drama that piles on too many perverse twists for its own good, while wasting a hugely talented cast in the process (especially Naomi Watts).

Why It'll Be A Cult Classic: Simply put, this film is like a bats*** crazy satire of an art-house, Oscar-baiting drama, taken to the nth degree of insanity by a team of writers, actors and producers who were too close to the project to see exactly how rancid it was from a tonal perspective.

To that end, the movie is both unexpectedly hilarious in all the wrong places and one of the year's most unforgettable dramas (that's "dramas"), having earned well-founded comparisons to Tommy Wiseau's wonky, off-kilter epic The Room.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.