14 Thought-Provoking Sci-Fi Films To Stream On Netflix Right Now

8. Under The Skin

Ex Machina

Speaking of unorthodox alien flicks, Under the Skin takes the cake. Jonathan Glazer’s last film to date is as unnerving and ambiguous as anything of late, calling for some to claim his as the next Stanley Kubrick.

When an alien being comes to earth, it emulates itself as a beautiful young woman in order to lure men to its, well, that part isn’t entirely clear. A career-defining performance from Scarlett Johansson accompanies horrifying, yet breathtaking visuals in this indie/sci-fi/horror gem.

Few films can be so well-made yet leave the viewer asking themselves, “what the hell did I just watch?” Not the most pleasurable of viewings, yet surely one you’ll never forget.

In this post: 
Ex Machina
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