14 Washed-Up TV Shows In Desperate Need Of Cancellation

13. Power Rangers

Though most kids began losing interest in Power Rangers after the original three-season Mighty Morphin' iteration concluded, the franchise has continued to churn out new versions annually, some linked in an overarching plot, and others as standalone outings. To date, almost 800 Power Rangers episodes have aired, and really, is there anyone on Earth who has actually seen every single one of these episodes (well, there is a 98-disc DVD set available)? While the lack of a devotion to a continuous narrative allows fans of the earlier seasons to just dip in and out whenever a cross-over episode happens or a classic ranger makes an appearance, it's incredible to believe that, in 2014, kids these days are still interested in the show, especially considering that the visual effects haven't exactly moved on leaps and bounds since 1993. Plus, with series titles as goofy as "Dino Thunder", "Jungle Fury" and the most recent "Super Megaforce", it's truly impressive that a show as redundant as this is still churning out episodes by the hundred.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.