15 Announced Movies That Are Destined For Development Hell

3. Bruce Campbell's "Expendables Of Horror Icons" Movie

Status So Far: In 2010, Bruce Campbell floated the idea of an Expendables-esque movie for horror characters, which would function as a loose sequel to his 2007 flop My Name Is Bruce. Campbell was asked about the concept again this year and said, "I have a script that I€™m working on that would pretty much be that". Why It's Destined For Development Hell: The approach is questionable, for starters: if Campbell wants various actors such as Robert Englund and Kane Hodder to play their signature movie characters, there are enormously cumbersome rights issues which need to be worked out. On the other hand, if he wants them to play original creations, the novelty factor isn't as high, given that many of these actors perform under heavy make-up or masks, and so aren't iconic merely on the basis of their faces, as was true in The Expendables. Then there's the fact that Campbell's recent work isn't exactly known for its financial success, and so studios may be wary when he approaches them, unless the script is actually amazing. Plus, there's also the question of whether it'll ever actually be ready.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.