15 Awesome Harry Potter Deleted Scenes

4. Draco's Change Of Heart

Which movie? Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Where would it be in film? Just before the final battle. What happens? There's no finished footage of this scene available, but behind-the-scenes glimpses show a moment just after Harry's revealed he's alive where Draco Malfoy suddenly goes all Snape and throws his nemesis his wand. And you thought Neville was an unexpected hero. Should it have been cut? Narratively this is entirely pointless - in both the book and final film Harry already has Draco's wand for his climactic battle - and its character logic relies entirely on the wand ownership thread, which was sorely understated in the movies. However, it's hard to not get excited about something that sees the film's taking liberties with the story - the Malfoy's being down-trodden by Voldemort was heavily played up on screen and this final act of rebellion rounds off the theme nicely. Still, without any real purpose, or set-up of Harry being wandless, it's sensationalisation for the sake of sensationalisation.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.