15 Awesome Harry Potter Deleted Scenes

3. Mourning Sirius

Which movie? Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix Where would it be in film? At the very end. What happens? Harry's in his bedroom recollecting on the previous, deadly events. Preferring some time alone to think, he decides to not got to the end of year feast, leaving Ron and Hermione to game-face it alone. Should it have been cut? The Order Of The Phoenix is the first year where things end on a really sour note. Sure, The Goblet Of Fire had Voldemort's return, but this time it's taking a personal toll on the hero. Sirius is dead and it's clear Harry has no choice but to stand up and fight. And while the film as is emulates this feeling adequately, this deleted scene gets more to the sadness of the whole thing. That's not saying Sirius' death doesn't carry impact, or that the film's don't give Harry a chance to dwell on it, but this scene makes the grief much more accessible. If you've not read the books, then the death of a character who hasn't been a focal part of the series since the third movie won't have the desired effect, something this scene rectifies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqkI7gT3tNw

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.