15 Awesome Harry Potter Deleted Scenes

10."There's Something I Need To Tell You"

Which movie? Harry Potter And The The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Where would it be in film? Near the end of The Battle of Hogwarts, when Ron and Hermione are running from Nagini. What happens? As the pair run from the snake hand-in-hand, Ron tries to verbally confess his feelings for Hermione. Having none of it, she whips back "I don't want you to say anything you wouldn't say if we weren't going to be killed by a giant snake." Classic Hermione. Should it have been cut? Looking at the questionable CGI on the snake, it's likely this scene was cut relatively early on in post-production. As the pair have already had their big emotional moment earlier in the Chamber of Secrets, this realisation Ron has feelings for Hermione is hardly necessary. Still, while more relationship angst in the later films is something few people wanted, this one's light enough, especially at such a climactic moment, that it's a shame to not see it included.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.