15 Awful Endings That Ruined Potentially Great Films

11. The Hobbit: The Battle Of Five Armies (2014)

For fans of Tolkien€™s world, despite Jackson€™s determination to milk the teat of Middle Earth€™s fans red raw, the final installment of the The Hobbit was rather promising. The film was very adept at avoiding some of the goofier moments common to the first two films, and the gravity of the threat to Middle Earth was such that the film got much closer to the serious tone that made Lord of the Rings so great. One would expect that a decade on from LotR, the esteemed Mr. Jackson would have perfected the knack of finishing off a Middle Earth trilogy with a neat, concise ending, right? Well, yes actually it was certainly not quite as labored. With regards to the actual battle, one could argue that the end was actually a little too abrupt. The Ending That Ruined The Film Sometimes books are translated too faithfully, when they should be tastefully repurposed for the screen. The reliance on the Eagles to save the day was one of a litany of problems in Return of the King, but in The Battle of Five Armies it was just a Deus Ex Machina; the Eagles come and save the day at the very last minute and they are unstoppable, and within a minute it is all over. It all felt very inorganic. Why do the eagles always seems to swoop in and save the key characters after everybody else is dead? It all feels too convenient and is a major disappointment. Perhaps the eagles are really sadistic and just want to see everybody die and then come in at the last moment to be hailed heroes. Cheeky buggers.

Paul has a deep and pervasive addiction to films. He writes and directs his own on occasion.