15 Awful Endings That Ruined Potentially Great Films

9. Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

The premise promised so much. Who does not love a good alien film or Western? Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde were going to be in it. James Bond, err, Daniel Craig, was going to be in it. But somewhere along the way, something went drastically wrong. The curse of the film with links to outer space seemed to have infected the film. In fact the whole enterprise seemed to get worse from the midpoint onward. But it was the ending that was truly awful. The Ending That Ruined The Film Everything about the ending was dumb. From the fact that the aliens seemed insuperable at one point, and yet it was easy enough to just dynamite one's way into their stricken mother ship, to the fact that everything that took place inside the mother ship felt predictable and staged. Also in a terribly clichéd ending, somebody just has to sacrifice their life to destroy the ship, because no alien mother ship can be destroyed from outside, but a single person committing suicide inside is enough. Right folks?

Paul has a deep and pervasive addiction to films. He writes and directs his own on occasion.