15 Awful Films Mission Impossible Actors Want You To Forget

13. Norbit (2007) - Thandie Newton

RottenTomatoes Score: 9% The Plot: A shy, retiring man, Norbit (Eddie Murphy), is bullied into a relationship with a tyrant of a woman, Rasputia (also Murphy), but when his childhood friend Kate (Newton) comes back into his life, he attempts to find a way to let go of his bully of a fiancee. Why It Sucks: This is the film that single-handedly derailed Eddie Murphy's Oscar chances after he was nominated for Dreamgirls, instead ultimately winning Murphy an incredible three Razzies the next year, for Worst Actor, Worst Supporting Actor and Worst Supporting Actress, one for each of his three roles as Norbit, Mr. Wong (with some admittedly incredible, Oscar-nominated make-up effects) and Rasputia. It's tough to find anyone who will defend this almost universally-panned "comedy", which is ultimately just a depressing look at a horrible woman committing spousal abuse for the better part of 100 minutes. Newton gets pretty much nothing to do beyond being the beautiful, pleasant contrast to Rasputia. Hopefully she was well compensated at least.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.