4. Twisted (2004) - Samuel L. Jackson
RottenTomatoes Score: 1% The Plot: Alcoholic star police officer Jessica Shepard (Ashley Judd) comes under suspicion when her former lovers begin dying off, and Jessica begins to suspect that she may have inherited the murderous tendencies of her serial killer father. Why It Sucks: Frankly, it's tough to understand why the talented likes of Judd, Andy Garcia and Samuel L. Jackson would sign on for a project which, without their good names, would surely end up banished to straight-to-video hell. Even so, the three actors don't get off easy, with Jackson giving one of the worst performances of his career as Shepard's mentor, who of course has plenty more to him than meets the eye. The script is full of cliches, and if you don't see the laughable plot twist coming, you clearly weren't paying much attention at all, which frankly it's easy to excuse you for. Though it does serve up a few unintentionally funny moments, it's mostly just 100 minutes of Hollywood at its most banal.
Jack Pooley
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.
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