15 Bafflingly High Rotten Tomatoes Scores You Won't Believe

2. Puss In Boots

Critical Consensus: "It isn't deep or groundbreaking, but what it lacks in profundity, Puss in Boots more than makes up for with an abundance of wit, visual sparkle, and effervescent charm." Why It's Wrong: Though far from a bad film, Puss in Boots is just the dictionary definition of an animated also-ran, a movie you vaguely remember seeing but have virtually no memory of any of the scenes or characters. While the consensus concedes that it's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, the 6.8/10 average score is still incredibly generous, as was its Oscar nomination for Best Animated Film. Why The Critics Liked It: Critics were likely expecting a lame cash-grab spin-off given how limp the Shrek franchise had become by this point, and so the mere fact that it was relatively watchable was seemingly enough for them to give it a ringing endorsement. Plus, it's animation, where filmmakers have to be especially incompetent not to win a pass from critics. That's not to belittle the medium, but simply that if critics are reviewing a movie aimed at children, they're likely to let a lot more slide.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.