15 Bafflingly Low Rotten Tomatoes Scores You Won't Believe

6. Not Another Teen Movie (28%)

Critical Consensus: "NATM has some funny moments, but the movie requires the audience to have familiarity with the movies being spoofed and a tolerance for toilet and sexual humor to be truly effective." Why It€™s Wrong: For one, the consensus is a weak excuse for hating the film: of course you need to be familiar with the movies being spoofed in a spoof! Accepting that as it is, Not Another Teen Movie delivers decidedly smarter tear-downs of recent teen movies than, say, Scary Movie ever did for the horror genre. The gags may be gross and juvenile, but there's an evident layer of intelligence beneath it, that the minds behind the movie have a clear love for the genre and even clearer love for ripping it to shreds. Chris Evans, Chyler Leigh, Mia Kirshner and Jaime Pressly are particularly excellent, but you can't blame anyone for being put off by that Cruel Intentions kiss spoof (pictured above). Why The Critics Hated It: They mostly couldn't see past the grossness to find the smarts underneath, and given the older age of most critics, it's understandable if still totally wrong. Plus, given that critics are never going to engage with teen movies in the way that actual teens will in the first place, it stands to reason that they wouldn't derive as much enjoyment out of a spoof either.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.