15 Bafflingly Low Rotten Tomatoes Scores You Won't Believe

2. Jingle All The Way (17%)

Critical Consensus: "Arnold Schwarzenegger tries his best, but Jingle All the Way suffers from an uneven tone, shifting wildly from a would-be satire on materialism to an antic, slapstick yuk-fest." Why It€™s Wrong: Critics seem to have rubbished Jingle All the Way as another saccharine family flick without digging deep into its outrageous satire of the whole genre. It's not just a send-up of the madness of the season, but a welcome rebuke to all those bland Christmas movies, veiled relatively well beneath the conventional style and tone of a holiday flick. It's not one of Arnold's best, but his chemistry with Sinbad is hilarious, and watching Ahnuld damn-near giving himself a coronary in order to procure a toy for his whiny brat son "Chamie" (Jake Lloyd) makes for a perversely entertaining statement on the season to be jolly. Why The Critics Hated It: It's a Christmas movie, so there's a good chance the critics were gunning for it from the outset, and it came during Arnie's post-T2 slump, which absolutely didn't help. Perhaps some critics couldn't accept that a movie so silly on the surface could actually have a single smart, satirical bone in its body, and as such believed that any intellect was unintentional.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.