15 Best Animated Movie Moments Of The Decade

10. Big Hero 6 - It’s Okay To Cry

Toy Story 3

Big Hero 6 was a movie crammed with so many important messages, it’s pretty amazing that it managed to tell a great story and include such memorable characters at the same time.

It revolves around Baymax, the last project of Tadashi before his untimely death. Tadashi’s younger brother Hiro awakens Baymax to discover the inflatable robot was built to diagnose pain and remedy it within humans.

There’s an action packed plot of superhero squads, intellectual property theft, fight montages and the space time continuum, but it’s the simple character moments which really shine. Baymax detects an emotional pain within Hiro, and tells him it’s okay to cry.

Hiro, still withdrawn and depressed from his beloved brother’s death, doesn’t want help. But Baymax offers it anyway, reminding Hiro and the generation of kids watching it that loss is hard, it’s okay for boys to cry, and mental health is just as important as physical health.

All these message are conveyed naturally, through the strength of the storytelling and characters, and never come across as preachy. There are so many reasons to watch Big Hero 6, and the actual events always outweigh the message.

When they’re done this well though, they become part of the magic itself.

In this post: 
Toy Story 3
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)