15 Best Animated Movie Moments Of The Decade

9. The Incredibles 2 - The Screenslaver’s Lair

Toy Story 3

The Incredibles 2 was an overly busy movie, that much is clear. It had a lot of key themes, and might just have been better served trimming them down slightly for a more rounded result.

For example, the Screenslaver villain was clearly a metaphor on our black mirror society, obsessed with our phones, living in echo chambers, believing everything we see. While it didn’t do everything it could have with that on a thematic level, it certainly managed it on a visual level when Elastagirl fought inside the Screenslaver’s lair.

Criticism of the epileptic nightmare it posed for those sensitive to strobe lights is well deserved, and the unclear warnings on some early screenings marked a dangerous safety risk. That aside though, the barrage of lights and swirls injected with inventive action made for a sequence like no other.

The Incredibles have always had their own brand of superhero carnage, managing to be both ‘comic booky’ and ‘Disneyesque’ at the same time. Elastagirl’s fight with the Screenslaver as the hypnotic pulses of light beat everywhere was the perfect epitome of this.

Everything was lightning quick, we saw Elastagirl’s personality shine through and it made for a fantastically frenetic fight scene.

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Toy Story 3
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)