15 Best Comic Book Movie Moments Of 2017

5. Korg's Masturbation Gag - Thor: Ragnarok

Thor Ragnarok Korg
Marvel Studios

When it comes to risque humour, Thor: Ragnarok just barely has Guardians Vol. 2 pegged. After Thor arrives on Sakaar and is about to face off against The Hulk, he meets the weaponsmith Korg, who just so happens to be voiced by the film's director himself, Taika Waititi.

Korg listens as Thor explains how powerful his recently-destroyed Mjolnir was, saying, "I would spin it really fast, and it would pull me off...", and at this point Korg interrupts to hilariously ask, "Oh my God! The hammer pulled you off?".

Thor then resolves the misunderstanding by insisting, "The ground! The hammer would pull me off the ground!" Though the joke is subtle enough for kids to miss it and may not translate particularly well across all English-language countries, for those who understood exactly what act of self-love Korg was referring to, it's one of the most sneakily naughty gags in any MCU movie so far.

Also, Korg in Infinity War or we riot.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.