15 Best Feel Good Sci-Fi Movies

8. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

8 Ways The Martian Shows Hollywood How To Do Science Right
Buena Vista Pictures

The original Douglas Addams novel series from which this sci-fi comedy is adapted mines most of its laughs from a combination of Pythonesque absurdity and gently satirising everything from bureaucracy to celebrity culture, and the 2005 movie adaptation is no different.

Featuring an ensemble cast including future New Girl Zooey Deschanel, a hysterical Sam Rockwell, and a scene-stealing Alan Rickman voicing Marvin the Paranoid Android, this stellar sci-fi comedy manages the tricky job of mocking the meaninglessness of life whilst maintaining an upbeat, funny, and uplifting tone despite the trippy and inherently fairly thoughtful subject matter that is life, the universe, and everything.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

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The Martian
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