15 Best Movie Deaths Of 2016

2. Hardcore Henry – Decapitation Via Optic Nerve

Greasy Strangler
STX Entertainment

Given its trigger-happy source material, it’s no surprise that director Ilya Naishuller’s first-person shooter inspired feature debut Hardcore Henry is a non-stop ride of violence and death. Or 232 deaths to be precise, if the accuracy of YouTube kill count videos are to be trusted. With all those death scenes, we’re spoilt for choice choosing the movie’s best. While a close up view of an exploding head and a brothel patron being dispatched via a creative combination of serving platter and psychokinesis are definite highlights, it’s Hardcore Henry dispatching his nemesis, Russian telekinetic drug lord Akan, that tops them all.

After a dramatic rooftop battle with an army of clones, Henry finally comes face to face with his enemy and uses his super long and strong eyeball stalk (he’s a cyborg, it makes sense) to decapitate him, pushing his body off the roof where it splatters below. It’s gratuitously violent, oddly comic and overall realistically implausible but that’s kind of what makes Hardcore Henry such a great film.

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