15 Best Movie Deaths Of 2016

11. X-Men: Apocalypse – Magneto’s Wife, Daughter And A Whole Lot Of Policemen

Greasy Strangler
20th Century Fox

The Magneto we see in X-Men: Apocalypse is a far different mutant-man than the one we saw in the franchise’s last outing Days of Future Past. No longer attempting to assassinate American presidents, Magneto has since moved to Poland where he lives the quite life with his wife and child. Until, that is, he uses his powers to save a co-worker from an accident at his job as a foundry worker which tips off the authorities as to the whereabouts of the wanted mutant terrorist.

Using Magneto’s young daughter as a lure, a group of policeman armed with arrows try to apprehend the mutant but just as he is about to be taken away, his daughter uses the mutant powers she inherited from her dad to summon a flock of birds. In the confusion, a police officer accidentally shoots an arrow which spears both Magneto’s wife and daughter through their hearts, killing them instantly. Oops. Naturally, this unleashes Magneto’s mutant powers and he dispatches the police using only his dead daughters necklace as a garrotte. Emotional and death-laden, it’s quite possibly the movie’s best scene.

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