15 Best Superhero Movie Costumes Ever

2. The Joker (The Dark Knight)

The Dark Knight The Joker Heath Ledger
Warner Bros.

There's a reason why people are still wearing this specific costume to Halloween parties a decade later.

Has any villain in superhero movie history touted an attire as instantly iconic and unforgettable as Heath Ledger's Joker? Ingeniously melding the character's inherent theatricality with the grittier style of the Nolan movies, The Dark Knight's Joker is elevated substantially by his uniquely dapper wares.

The purple jacket is, of course, a character staple dating back decades, but it's the nifty clothing underneath that really separates him from the pack: the grey shirt, the green waistcoat and brown tie which skirt just shy of evoking a "hipster Joker" vibe, while still making him utterly distinct from Jack Nicholson's more cartoonish version.

That's not to forget the stunning makeup job, hewing away from a more pristine visage in favour of a messy, grungy look that cements just how screwed up this guy truly is.

Though it's practically impossible to separate the outfit from Ledger's Oscar-winning performance, on its own merits it's still the best villain design in any comic book movie ever.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.