15 Best Supporting Characters In Sci-Fi Movies

4. Roy Batty - Blade Runner

Vasquez Aliens
Warner Bros

Roy Batty is a replicant that serves as the main antagonist of 1982 sci-fi masterpiece Blade Runner.

All Roy really wants is a longer life, and given that he was only given a 4 year life span, it's hard not to sympathize with him somewhat.

Brilliantly portrayed by Rutger Hauer, Batty is at once creepy and charismatic, not to mention homicidal.

The story is driven by Batty and his group of Nexus-6 replicants as they attempt to elude Rick Deckard, the Blade Runner tasked with "retiring" them.

Roy Batty is named for the human he was modelled upon, who had calcium deposits in his brain that rendered him unable to feel fear.

In spite of how hard he fought for a longer life, Batty dies at the conclusion of the movie, but not before delivering one of the most powerful speeches ever committed to film.

The things Roy had seen may have been lost like tears in rain, but his performance will remain legendary.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.