15 Best Supporting Characters In Sci-Fi Movies

12. Colonel Al Dillon - Predator

Vasquez Aliens

Al Dillon is the truest representation of the good ol' U.S. of A. that you could have asked for among the deep greens of the Guatemalan jungle.

Working for the CIA to covertly combat communist movement in the country, Dillon meets up with old friend Dutch to enlist his help in eliminating some rebel forces.

In true American fashion, Dillon tells his pal a few white lies to ensure his co-operation, which unsurprisingly causes a little friction between the two.

It's fairly short-lived, though, because a Predator arrives with the intention of hunting the group of mercenaries.

Portrayed by Carl Weathers, Dillon is a hulking mass of muscle cast to rival even Arnie's bulk (refer to the infamous handshake arm grip shot for further information), and although he seems less inclined to believe the evidence that they are being hunted by an alien being, he still makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect Dutch.

R.I.P., Dillon.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.